Recent Poll Results From Around The Country

Nearly Three Out of Four Pennsylvanians Support a Suspension of the Death Penalty Until Its Fairness Can Be Studied

62% of North Carolinians Support Death Penalty Moratorium

(Charlotte Observer, 9/10/00)

Ohio Poll Shows Preference for Life in Prison Without Parole; DNA Testing

(The Columbus Dispatch, 8/6/00)

A Buckeye State Poll, conducted by the Ohio State University, found the following:

Harris Poll Finds Support for the Death Penalty Declining

(Reuters, 8/2/00)

NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll finds 42% of respondents believe the death penalty is not applied fairly

(NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, July 2000)

The poll also finds:

* Poll findings compiled by Death Penalty Information Center.

Support for Capital Punishment Drops in Alabama

(Mobile Register, 7/2/00) The results of a Mobile Register/University of South Alabama poll, show that among adults in Alabama:

Majority of Americans Believe Innocent Person Has Been Executed in Last Five Years

(CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll Release, 6/30/00)

Californians Support Halting Executions by 4-1

(San Francisco Chronicle, 6/22/00)

Texans Believe State has Executed the Innocent

(Houston Chronicle, 6/21/00)

Abolition of New Hampshire Death Penalty Supported by Judiciary Committee and Residents

(Associated Press, 5/8/00 and 5/5/00)

As the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee voted 5-1 to recommend that the state's death penalty law be repealed, a new poll by Northeastern University found that:

Americans Support DNA Testing to Clear Innocent Inmates

(Gallup News Service, 3/30/00)

Support for Death Penalty Declining in Illinois

(Chicago Tribune, 3/7/00)

Support for Death Penalty at 19-year Low

(Gallup Press Release, 2/24/00)

According to an telephone survey, support for the death penalty is dropping

(, 1/19/00)

University of Connecticut poll found 55% don't believe the death penalty is a deterrent to murder

(Associated Press, 1/7/00)

A poll of Connecticut residents conducted by the Center for Survey Research and Analysis at the University of Connecticut also found the following: